- EU funded projects
We are proud to announce a new 100% success of Eco-Agri Team. Three eligible projects: positions 36, 118 and 119. We thank our customers for the trust. Click here for details.
- Double inflatable plastic foil tunnel, 510 m2
- Tunnel, new model
Beginning April 2012 we offer the new tunnel of 510 m2 with double inflatable foil.
It is cheaper and more performing ! Please contact us for details.
Welcome to the agriculture of the future !
- Welcome to ASCOMEX ! Our company trades last generation vegetable seeds, in a wide range of varieties ( tomatoes, pepper, cucumbers, eggplants, and other ), seedlings, tunnels and greenhouses covered by single or double inflatable plastic, polycarbonate or glass, adapted to any climate.
- We have partnership with the most important vegetable seeds producer form Israel, which covers 60 % of the Israeli tomatoes seeds market and 20 % of the China’s one. Having access to the last scientific and technological developments of the horticulture, we can offer the most performing vegetable seeds.
- The tomatoes performing seeds have been obtained by successive crossings and not by genetically modification. The plants are resistant up to 11 common viruses and low temperatures, they are early types and more productive.
- Besides vegetable seeds, ASCOMEX offers greenhouses and tunnels of last technology, showing the best figure quality / price.
- The tunnels and greenhouses are covered by simple or double inflatable plastic foil, by polycarbonate or by glass, they are provided with drip irrigation system and can be equipped with heating systems and full automation devices.
ASCOMEX offers full technological solutions adapted to the customers’ requirements and for those customers interested in applying to various financing programs, we can work out the complete files to be submitted to the respective authorities.
- ASCOMEX is your best partner which helps you to become competitive on the national and international markets.