
Vegetable nursery

  • ASCOMEX offers seedlings of: single tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants with seeds from various producers.
    Our nursery is a modern one of big height, perfectly protected against bacteria and provided with performing heating system and Boom irrigation for wetting the small plants.
    The seedlings grow in small plastic trays of 104 or 85 cups, each cup having 3.5 – 4 cm diameter. We use sterile turf and treatments which help for good development of the plants.


Rasaduri Legume

Rasaduri Legume

Rasaduri Legume

Rasaduri Legume

Rasaduri Legume

Rasaduri Legume

Rasaduri Legume

Rasaduri Legume

Rasaduri Legume

Rasaduri Tomate

Rasaduri Tomate

Rasaduri Tomate

Rasaduri Legume

Rasaduri Legume

Rasaduri Legume

Rasad Legume

Rasad Legume

Rasad Legume

Rasad Legume

Rasad Legume

Rasad Legume




Rasaduri Ilfov

Rasaduri Ilfov

Rasaduri Ilfov

Rasaduri Bucuresti

Rasaduri Bucuresti

Rasaduri Bucuresti